holistic health

Faith Without Works Is Dead

Reflecting on my wellness journey, one scripture that resonates deeply with me is James 2:17, “Faith without works is dead.” My journey toward holistic health and wellness has been a testament to this belief, embodying the principles of faith, dedication, and continuous effort. As God has led me to learn new things, I have been able to implement them into my everyday life, believing that wellness would come, and… it did!

I decided that enough was enough and made the conscious decision to choose health, knowing that God has given me the freedom to make choices that can positively affect my and my family’s health.

My Beginnings

In 2014, while still in high school, I embarked on my first step into the wellness world by becoming an online fitness coach. Platforms like YouTube and Instagram allowed me to share my fitness routines, tips, and motivational content with a dedicated audience who took an interest in my lifestyle choices. 

This experience ignited a passion in me for helping others achieve their health goals, and little did I know at the time, it laid the foundation for my future endeavors!

When I transitioned to college, I relaunched my fitness business, this time in partnership with ItWorks supplements. This partnership gave me the opportunity to provide more comprehensive health solutions to my clients, combining effective workout routines with supportive nutritional supplements. 

My college years were a period of growth and learning, both academically and professionally, as I honed my fitness coaching, sales, and business management skills.

Introduction to Holistic Medical Practices

By the Spring of 2018, this is when a significant turning point in my wellness journey took place. While taking a reproductive health course, I was introduced to holistic medical practices, midwifery, and natural home births. This exposure sparked my curiosity about natural healthcare approaches and the benefits of holistic medicine. I knew I just had to learn more, and it was just the beginning. Even though I did a semi-deep dive back then, it was not until 2021 that I fully submerged myself in the holistic health space.

Fast forward to 2021, for a short time, I worked as a part-time Patient Care Technician (PCT) in the hospital on the weekends with a full-time Executive Assistant job. This time in my life exposed me to the realities of modern Western medicine. Having been a patient of this system myself, I recognized the need for a more well-rounded approach to healthy living. My love for alternative medicine and holistic health practices grew stronger as I witnessed the limitations of conventional treatments and the potential of holistic approaches. Seeing patient after patient be fed:

  • Medications
  • Pizza for lunch
  • Burgers for dinner
  • A sliver of fruits and vegetables
  • And more medication

This felt wrong to me, and I knew that there had to be another way!

Thus, I began to educate my patients at the bedside, even when they refused the fruits and vegetables the dietitians offered. I was trying to help my patients while not even realizing that my own health was deteriorating. 

At the time, my personal health took a backseat due to my working conditions, so I was not at my healthiest weight. I found myself 20 pounds heavier than my average weight, affecting my health and confidence tremendously.

I remember sitting on the couch, looking out over my backyard, and praying for relief from getting sick way too often, having terrible menstrual cycles, depression, and constant fatigue. 

No medications seemed to give me a lasting solution; they merely acted as a temporary fix.

My Holistic Mindset Shift

In November 2021, the Lord led me to stumble upon a YouTube video that really impacted me. The man in the video talked about how “the food is killing us,” which piqued my interest because I thought he was lying and crazy. Well, this led me down a rabbit hole of research that only proved what he was saying was actually…true.

I discovered that his name was Dr. Sebi. He was known for his teachings on natural healing, herbal medicine, and the power of a vegan diet. His teachings resonated with me deeply, and I thought to myself that this might be the solution that I have been looking for.

Then, coincidentally, a week later, I believe only God led me to an article by a naturopathic doctor and a book called “The Mind-Gut Connection” by Dr. Emeran Mayer that opened my eyes even more. This further fueled my passion and interest in holistic health being the way to true physical wellness in this life.

There was no turning back at this point!

At my heaviest and most depressed state, I embarked on a holistic health journey, not knowing the challenges and rewards that lay ahead. Looking back, I can say with certainty that it has all been worth it.

A Commitment to Holistic Health

Determined to become the healthy person I desperately wanted to be, I immersed myself in learning about holistic health. I studied more about gut health, the impact of inflammation on the body, and how dietary choices could prevent or heal health issues. 

This newfound knowledge gave me hope for healing my recurring anxiety, depression, and painful menstrual periods—conditions that conventional medicine had failed to cure.

holistic meal

December 2021: Radical Dietary Changes

In December 2021, I made a bold decision to overhaul my diet completely. I threw away all unhealthy food and snacks and adopted a vegan lifestyle. I even published a blog about the lessons I learned in my first few months on the journey. 

It was a radical decision, and I knew it, but I was hungry for change!

Although this strict vegan phase lasted only eight months, it was incredibly educational. I learned valuable lessons about nutrition and health, eventually transitioning to a whole-food diet with minimal refined sugar, no processed foods, and no soda. While I occasionally consume dairy, I am predominantly dairy-free.

The Journey So Far

Reflecting on my journey, I am amazed at my progress! From shedding excess pounds to identifying and addressing the root causes of my constant bloating, hormonal imbalances, and PMS, the transformation has been remarkable. 

Healing from endometriosis and no longer experiencing long, painful periods, excessive mood swings, chronic bloating, anxiety, depression, and fatigue is a blessing I am profoundly grateful for.

Along the way, I continued to prioritize fitness, self-care, and growing in my relationship with Jesus.

Understanding what truly matters in my life has been pivotal in my wellness journey. 

It was never just about weight loss but about achieving overall health and well-being, free from the dependency on prescription medications. I am so grateful that the Lord has allowed me to come this far, and I can not wait to see where He takes me next!

If you are contemplating a journey towards better health, I encourage you to start today. There is truly no better time than now.

Do it not just for a particular physique but to be healthier in every aspect of your life. Embrace the journey with faith, dedication, and an open heart, and you will find that the rewards are genuinely life-changing.


My wellness journey, guided by faith and hard work, has been a transformative experience. From my early days as an online fitness coach to my current passion for holistic health, every step has been a testament to the power of faith and perseverance. 

I can not wait to continue sharing this journey and discoveries with you all. May you find inspiration and motivation to embark on your own path to holistic health and wellness.

living holistic

Share your story in the comments. I would love to hear more about where you are in your wellness journey.

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