
Hello and Welcome!

Hello friends, welcome to the Nurturely Grown family! My name is Lexi, and I am the founder of Nurturely Grown, along side my amazing husband. This is a Christian holistic wellness blog that we formed as a way to educate, encourage and give you the resources you need to live a healthy lifestyle with no fuss!

That includes your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health, as these all contribute to you being a holistically healthier being. Here you will find resources on whole-food recipes, herbal remedies, holistic alternatives for a healthier home, and natural living.

I am a follower of Christ, wife, full-time sales specialist by day, and part time holistic health advocate by night currently residing in southern New Jersey. I attended the University of Central Florida for my undergraduate education, and received my Bachelor's of Health Science.

I have worked in many different areas of the healthcare field, in and out of the hospital setting since graduating and have grown more in love with alternative medicine and holistic health practices.

Being surrounded by Modern Western Medicine practices, and having been a patient of this system myself, I have really been able to see the need for a more well-rounded approach to healthy living. Although I have since left the hospital, I have never left my love of healthcare, and love to educate others on their options. That is why this health blog was created!

I was introduced to holistic medical practices in college when taking a reproductive health course and learning about midwifery, and natural home births. This was only the beginning, however, to my curiosity and intrigue with more natural approaches to healthcare.

It wasn’t until many years later, after having grown tired of suffering with recurring anxiety, depression and painful heavy menstrual periods that I did a great deal of research and completely understood the holistic healthcare field. For years my doctors were unable to cure my symptoms, only medicate them temporarily and I knew there had to be another way!

When looking for different ways to treat my symptoms at home, God allowed me to run across a YouTube video. This is where my journey into learning the healing properties of herbs and a whole-foods diet began and has only grown since!

I now aim to use this platform to enlighten, educate and supply you with the tools you need to be healthy from the inside on out with Christ Jesus at the center of it all. The relief that I have experienced has only made my journey with holistic health more fulfilling overall.

Hopefully you will leave here feeling informed and empowered to take control of the state of your health by making better nutritional decisions, healing through herbal remedies, growing in your faith and eliminating the things that were never beneficial to you nor your family’s health.

This is just the beginning!

Why trust Nurturely Grown?

I care about your holistic health goals, and helping you actually achieve them!

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