What’s better than simple meal prep to help you along your journey to holistic health? This is a key component in losing and maintaining a healthy weight.

simple meal prep

With that being said, research shows that homemade food preparations are associated with healthier eating practices. This means that the more you prepare meals at home, the easier it will be to achieve your healthy goal weight. It can take anywhere from 30 minutes to a few hours but lasts at least 4 days. 

Here are the top three ways to plan and actually execute your simple meal prep for the week.

1. Storage/Containers

simple meal prep

Make sure you have containers that are sturdy and reliable so that they last. Having a great container system can be all the difference when preparing meals. We love the reliable pyrex glassware that we have had for years now. It’s perfectly sized, easy to clean, and fits in the fridge with ease. I couldn’t ask for more honestly!

Thus, once you have the containers that you will be using for your meal prep and storage you are ready to go. 

2. Make a Schedule

In addition, picking a time of the day and week that works best for you and your family’s needs is a major key. This should be a consistent time and day that you look forward to on a weekly basis. Having a set schedule will be your biggest component for success on your holistic health journey.

For example, you can set aside a time for 2-5 pm every Sunday and that is what you will stick to. This means that you will do your best to not make any other plans during that time block. When Sunday arrives you should have all the supplies, food, and materials that you need.

3. Cook and Pack

Lastly, once you have the containers of choice and a set time, you are ready to cook. During the week, my husband and I are plant-based (vegan, if you will), which leads us to get very creative. This means that we only consume meat and other animal products on the weekends. As a result, here is one of the recipes that I created after trying an endless amount of meat alternatives on Pinterest

If you are looking for more healthy alternatives to some of the foods you love, try these additional food swaps along the way.

It really is that simple!

So without further ado, here is a recipe that has saved me time and headache during the week. It is one of the ways that we can get an adequate amount of protein, and feel satiated.

Meal Prep (Bonus Recipe)- Ground Mushroom “Meat” Recipe

¼ cup of water

1 lb of portabella mushrooms 

2 Roma tomatoes

6 cloves of garlic

3 habanero peppers

1 tsp of sea salt

1 tbs of chili powder

2 tsp of coconut sugar (or brown sugar)

1 tbs of paprika

2 tsp of nutritional yeast

1 tbs of ground cumin

1 tsp of avocado oil

6-8 servings.

Clean all of your produce before beginning.

In a bowl, combine your wet ingredients: water, tomatoes, garlic, and habanero peppers.

Then in a separate bowl, combine the dry ingredients: coconut sugar, sea salt, chili powder, paprika, ground cumin, and nutritional yeast.

Next, in a food processor/blender, add your mushrooms and blend until finely minced. 

Heat up the avocado oil over medium-high heat in a medium-sized frying pan.

Next, add all of the ingredients to the pan and cook for 8-10 minutes, stirring occasionally. All done!

Serve with the sides of your choice or as a topping, and enjoy!

Recommendation: this recipe can be served in a burrito bowl, on tacos, quesadillas, or even a taco salad.

I chose to serve this “meat” recipe in a veggie burrito bowl for a quick midweek night dinner idea.


Nutrition Science Journal

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